
Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Actions themselves are often looked upon as a method of communication.

could be expected to transmit messages accurately without any extra organizational help. Many people would not subscribe to this belief and suggest that benefits would be gained by clarifying company terminology through the media of 'terminology dictionaries. Others, however, warn against undue reliance on the written word in the form of bulletins, booklets, magazines, etc., in that they can be looked upon a substitute for face-to-face communication and not as they should be-an aid.
Another difficulty is that more than one media may be used at the same time. Depending on their interpretation, they can reinforce or contradict each other. Consider an applicant at a job interview. If he is telling of his keenness to obtain the opposition but at the same time looks bored, yawns frequently and sports a two-day stubble, then the interviewer may find it difficult to reconcile the conflicting symbols. The whole area of communication through gesture or appearance is fraught with possible errors. Such imprecise meanings exist that perceptual factors can playa large part in the assessment of meaning. These weaknesses can be compounded since gestures and the use of more than one media are often used to create uncertainty deliberately.

Actions themselves are often looked upon as a method of communication. The managing director who informs all and sundry that foremen are his key managers may have difficulty in having his beliefs accepted by the foremen themselves. If they do their paper work at a space temporarily cleared on an oily work-bench while he has a large office, or if they have to walk through a muddy car park in the rain while he is driven past in a chauffeured Rolls-Royce, the credibility gap may be difficult to span.

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