
Monday, January 14, 2008

guidelines issued by the Securities and Exchange Board of India

audulent encashment of refund orders.
(ji) l!} ~nd composite application form. . [Nov., 19951
6. Answer the following on the basis of guidelines issued by SEBI :
(i) When will an advertisement relating to issue of shares be considered as
(ii) Precautions to be taken while drafting financial data to be included in the
issue advertisement. [May, 19961
7. Answer the following:
Explain the guidelines issued by the Securities and Exchange Board of India
for the purpose of protecting the investors from unrealis?c projection of future
profitability in the prospectus. issued by a company. [Nov., 19961
8. Explain the manner in which the SEBI regulates the pricing of the issue of shares
on preferential basis arising out of warrants (Le.,.rights of holders of warrants
to apply for allotment of shares). -- [Nov. 19961
9. A Public Limited Company going for a public issue of shares desires to make preferential allotment of shares to certain Foreign Institutional Investors. Explain the conditions such a company wiH have to comply with as per the guidelines framed by the Securities and Exchange Board of India in this regard.
[May, 1997]
10. Describe briefly the guidelines issued by the Securities and Exchange Board of
India relating to book-build~£process. t [May, 19971
11. Under what circumstances can the Securities and Exchange Board of India, under
the provisions of the SEBI Act, 1992 take penal action against a stock bI'9! for defaults
and against the different persons for insider trading? [Nov., 1997]
12. Explain the procedure as prescribed under the Securities and Exchange Board of
India Act, 1992 for determining the penalty for insider trading and the factors to
be taken into account in this regard. [May, 1998]
13. Briefly examine the powers vested in the Securities and Exchange Board of India
to regulate and prevent undesirable transactions in securities under the
Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956, by virtue of the SEBI Act, 1992.
. [May, 1998])
14. Pine Company Ltd. is a new company. Its commercial operation started on Jan. 1,1998 and its audited operative results are not yet available. State the guidelines (for the protection of investors) of the SEBI which would be applicable to Pine
Ltd. in respect of its first issue of shares. [Nov., 1998]
What would be your answer if Pine Ltd. is set up by Long Jones Co. Ltd. and Short Henry Co. Ltd. incorporated in 1987 and 1988 respe 'track record of consistent profitability'? [Nov., 1998]
15. Explain the guidelines issued by SEBI for the purpose of preventing fraudulent
encashment of refund orders in the case of public issues of shares and debentures.
, [May, 19991
16. Explain briefly the guidelines issued by SEBI to prevent the unscrupulous promoters
. from making preferential allotment of shares at prices favourable to themselves and
against the interest of other shareholders. [November, 1999]

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